Mental Performance Course

Evolved Traders

Take Your Trading to The Next Level

It took me over 5 years to become a profitable trader. I tried tons of strategies and indicators but nothing seemed to stick. I eventually stumbled on trading just using candlesticks to analyze the markets. 


But even after finding some clarity trading I still wasn't as successful as I'd hoped. I turned to a trading mentor and after working with him for 3 years on the mental side of trading I was able to find the success I had been looking for. 


I realized there were 2 sides to trading. Strategy and your emotions. My mentor called it mental perforamnce which I now 100% agree with. And so in this course I want to give you everything I've learned over my 7 years of trading about how to approach trading with a mental performance mindset. So it doesn't take you the 5+ years it took me to become a successful trader.

Unlock Instant Access $280

2+ Hour video course. Going over every detail keep at peak mental trading performance.

Exclusive trading chat room. 

Actionable systems to stay on the right side your emotions and execute trades consistently.

 What's Inside

Expanding Your Horizon

The biggest key to success is consistently executing your strategy but this is anything but easy to do.  

Of course having a strategy is important but if you can't execute your strategy, it's worthless.


  • Take a deep dive into your emotions and how they are negatively effecting your trading. 


  • Know when you aren't mentally ready to trade and prevent some of your biggest losing days.  

Mental Performance

I didn't become a profitable trader until I realized keeping track of my mental state was the key to success. I started overrlaying how I felt each day against my trading results and the correlation became obvious.


Simply put, when I felt good I made money and when my head wasn't in the game I lost my profits. 


When I started approaching trading with an emphasis on my mental state, my trading dreams became a reality.

Maintaining Consistency

The biggest key to success in trading is consistency. Being able to consistently execute your strategy while managing your mental game is extremely hard.  


  • Learn what it takes to keep yourself at peak mental performance to consistently execute your strategy.


  • Obtain actionable systems to keep yourself in check when trading.  


  • Find bigger patterns/habits that you are repeating over and over keeping your trading from growing. 

Our Community

Even if you have the best strategy in the world. The ups and downs of trading will wash most striving traders out of the game.


With the actionable steps taught in the course it will still be hard to stay consistent. With a community supporting you and keeping you accoutable it will make you an even stronger trader.

With a chat room you will be able to connect with traders of all levels and find like minded individuals to progress your trading with. 


Unlock The Course Instantly

  • Private Trading Community 
  • Applicable to Any Trading Strategy
  • Actionable Steps to Follow To Improve Your Trading
  • Find Your Trading Weaknesses and Overcome Them 
  • Create a Trading Routine To Stay Consistent For Years


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